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Author Archives: BumptUp-TE24

Moving Through Stage One of Labor

Moving Through Stage One of Labor

By Sara French, ACSM CPT, NASM CNC

December 6, 2024


Whether you give birth in a hospital, at a birthing center, or at home, there are things you can do to support your body through labor. Each stage of labor brings different challenges, and the techniques discussed below will hopefully aid in a smooth labor and delivery. The information in this article will apply to women who choose an epidural as well as no epidural. It is important to remember that every woman’s labor experience is different, and the length of each stage will vary. 

What to Expect During Each Stage of Labor

What to Expect During Each Stage of Labor

By Sara French, ACSM CPT, NASM CNC

November 29, 2024


You’re nearing that time when it might be hard to tell if the sensations you are experiencing are false labor, often referred to as prodromal labor, or early labor. If you have been having braxton hicks contractions for a while, it might be even tougher to distinguish whether or not it’s go time! Let’s get into the nitty gritty on the different stages of labor, and what to expect for each one. My hope is that you will go into your birth feeling educated and empowered knowing what your body is doing in each stage. 

Lightning Crotch During Pregnancy

Lightning Crotch During Pregnancy

By Sara French, ACSM CPT, NASM CNC

November 22, 2024


What is Lightning Crotch?

Lightning crotch is a very common sensation during pregnancy, especially toward the end. It is often confused with round ligament pain, though there are some distinct differences of which to make note. Women who experience lightning crotch describe the feeling as a sudden sharp or burning pain in the pelvic or vaginal area. Not fun! Round ligament pain is a more dull, aching pain that typically lasts longer than a second. While lightning crotch may happen at any point during pregnancy, it is most likely to occur during the third trimester. Unfortunately, the severity and frequency of lightning crotch varies among women. So if you were hoping to gauge when it would happen for you and how long it would last, I can’t help you there, my friend! Personally, I started experiencing it infrequently around the second trimester. It has definitely ramped up now that I am in my third trimester, and I have noticed that it happens more frequently when my baby goes through growth spurts. It helps to identify patterns like this, so that I can know what to expect and remind myself that it is temporary; it won’t last forever. A moment of pain for a lifetime of glory!

The Pros and Cons of Cervical Checks

The Pros and Cons of Cervical Checks

By Sara French, ACSM CPT, NASM CNC
November 15, 2024

Routine cervical checks are often started toward the end of pregnancy, around week 36 or 37 of gestation. Your healthcare provider will perform a physical exam of your cervix in order to assess how “ready” your body is for labor. There are some pros and cons to these routine exams, which is what will be discussed in this article. 

Belly Support Tools During Pregnancy

Belly Support Tools During Pregnancy

By Sara French, ACSM CPT, NASM CNC

November 8, 2024

As you near the third trimester, you might be feeling the added pressure of your growing belly! Whether it’s simply uncomfortable or downright painful, we can all agree that it’s no fun. You might be experiencing round ligament pain, pelvic heaviness, or back pain. Thankfully, there are a plethora of belly support tools available for you to try! In this article, I hope to shed some light on belly bands and kinesio tape.