Catherine Cram
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Cram is an exercise physiologist and a leading expert in the field of maternal fitness. She is the owner of Prenatal and Postpartum Fitness Consulting, a consulting company that specializes in providing the most current maternal exercise information and training to health and fitness professionals. She has been a featured speaker at ICEA, NPACE, ACSM and military medical conferences. She co-authored the 2021 revision of “Exercising Through Your Pregnancy” with Dr. James Clapp and was a contributing author for the text “Women’s Health in Physical Therapy.” Cram served as the PerinatalFitness Subgroup Chair for the International Childbirth Education Association in 2013-2014 and is on the Medical Fitness Network Advisory Board. She also serves as the maternal fitness expert at Her certificate course, Prenatal and Postpartum Exercise Design, provides continuing education credits for ACSM, ACE, ICEA, and LAMAZE, as well as other major health and fitness organizations; additionally, the certificate course is a Lifetime Fitness Approved Specialty Course. Prenatal and Postpartum Fitness Consulting has provided maternal fitness training to Air Force exercise physiologists and physical therapists. The US Army also includes Cram’s booklet, Prenatal Fitness: Exercise During Pregnancy, as part of their “Uncomplicated Pregnancy” education program materials.
Masters Degree, Exercise Physiology
San Diego State University