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BumptUp® provides safe, effective, inclusive evidence-based physical activity guidance to pregnant & postpartum women.

BumptUp® was developed by trained exercise scientists with expertise in maternal health from Western Kentucky University. BumptUp® Labs, Inc. has a mission to provide every woman with equal opportunity and access to trustworthy, research-supported physical activity care on their maternal journey.

Clinical testing showing BumptUp® is evidence-based

Carefully developed screening and safety feature

Provides continuity into postpartum


The App Backed
by Research

We have developed a solution using qualified experts in the field.

We identified an issue.

More and more women are presenting to their obstetric care providers for prenatal care with chronic health issues such as obesity, hypertension, and diabetes – all of which lead to complicated pregnancies. Furthering the problem, women experience poorer health outcomes and have less access to prenatal care than women in other settings. In our area (Southcentral Kentucky), 2 out of 3 women are entering pregnancy overweight or obese and 9 out of 10 are not meeting recommended physical activity guidelines. Unfortunately, health concerns related to obesity and physical inactivity are true public health issues not only in Kentucky, but across the globe.

There is an important, unmet need to develop effective intervention strategies to reduce obesity rates and increase physical activity levels during pregnancy and postpartum, particularly among diverse populations.







We had an idea.

Mobile apps have emerged as a primary mode of health information for women during pregnancy1. In fact, more apps are available for pregnancy than any other medical-related topic1, and 7% of mobile apps on the Apple iTunes store focus on women’s health and pregnancy2! However, our research showed that none of these apps offer specific evidence-based interventions to increase physical activity for pregnant and postpartum women3. We decided to create a mobile app to fill the gap.

We also wanted to make sure that after birth, Mom was not forgotten about! This is why BumptUp® continues helping moms through the postpartum period as well. BumptUp® doesn’t forget about Mom after birth either – we continue supporting healthy physical activity through the postpartum period.

We have a solution.

BumptUp® was created to help pregnant and postpartum women become and/or stay active during and after pregnancy. Dr. Rachel Tinius and her colleagues utilized community stakeholder feedback obtained from focus groups and 1:1 interviews to identify the preferences and needs of geographically and socially diverse populations. With this information, BumptUp® has been designed to meet these populations where they are – we do not require specialized equipment, expensive subscriptions, or a high level of existing exercise knowledge. Instead, we focus on showcasing easy solutions to increase and maintain safe, evidence-based levels of physical activity for healthier moms. BumptUp® has been designed to meet these populations where they are and is designed to serve.4

Our References

  1. Brown HM, Bucher T, Collins CE, Rollo ME. A review of pregnancy apps freely available in the Google Play Store. Health Promot J Austr. 2019.

  2. IMS Institute for Healthcare Informatics. Patient acceptance of mhealth. September 2015. https://www.iqvia.com/-/media/iqvia/pdfs/institute-reports/patient-adoption-of-mhealth.pdf?la=en&hash=B3ACFA8ADDB143F29EAC0C33D533BC5D7AABD689&_=1517952922244 Accessed January 24, 2020.

  3. Tinius RA, Polston M, Bradshaw H, Ashley P, Greene A, Parker AN. An Assessment of Mobile Applications Designed to Address Physical Activity During Pregnancy and Postpartum. Int J Exerc Sci. 2021;14(7):382-399.

  4. Tinius R, Duchette C, Beasley S, Blankenship M, Schoenberg N. Obstetric Patients and Healthcare Providers Perspectives to Inform Mobile App Design for Physical Activity and Weight Control During Pregnancy and Postpartum in a Rural Setting. International journal of women’s health. 2021;13:405-432.

Advisory Board

Continued Studies

Our latest Research and Awards


KCV IMPACT Award Winner

Inaugural KVC IMPACT Competition

Award: First Place

Award By: Kentucky Commercialization Ventures